About Us
We are a company aimed at making woman feel comfortable and sexy in their everyday wear.
Our lines include an array of tried and tested products to support the full body of a woman, each factor has been considered in creating and sourcing the most amazing high quality for the everyday woman.
Motherland shape wear birthed officially in 2018 when owner Tshego Adewale noticed after giving birth that the womans body changes and needs support in the changes. This shape wear is not only post giving birth but can be used post surgery and for daily use. Tshego also saw a gap after owning brand La Manche clothing for 10 years that clothing is supported by under garments to make the whole look tie in and make women look and feel good.
We believe in our look and feel good brands.
We trust and believe you will enjoy wearing your confidence daily this is our quality offering we hope you will Love each piece.
Thank you for your support